iServices, LLC
Small businesses must secure their hardware in RI, MA and CT
All local small business owners in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Connecticut, you must secure your hardware. If you are not securing your hardware you are not doing your customers a service, in fact you are doing them a disservice. If your router/switch is in plain sight, which means someone with ill-intent could cause damage to your business. This puts a security risk solely on your hands.
Securing your router must be your upmost important task. These devices transmit all your data from and to any location that is requesting it. I.e. when you swipe a credit card it does pass through your router, when the response is given (approved or declined), that also passes through your router. Unless you are using a standalone card machine.
This weekend I was shopping at a local store in Rhode Island (we will not name the store) they had a router exposed to the general public. Anyone with ill-intent could have put a listening device on their router and captured all their data.