iServices, LLC
CompTIA Certifications
iServices, LLC are certified by CompTIA. We hold A+ certification and Security+ certification.
Why Hiring Someone With A+ Or Security+ Certifications Will Skyrocket Your IT Department
When it comes to personal computer issues, most people can easily find a service with a good reputation nearby. They go there, get their unit fixed and pay a small fee. However, such fees go up with your necessities. It is one thing to get a computer fixed and a different thing to maintain an entire network. From this point of view, most companies rely on specialized professionals such as iServices, LLC.
There are two major options – hiring someone internally and choosing a maintenance service to perform routine tasks on a regular basis. In any of these situations, you clearly do not feel like hiring an amateur or a newbie. Instead, you have to look for particular things. While experience and education are very important, a few extra certifications will guarantee a perfect collaboration.
Understanding the principles of A+ certification
The A+ certification is among the few computer repair certifications recognized all over the world. It is managed by the Computing Technology Industry Association. The respective association gathers together some of the largest IT conglomerates in the world, with the one and only purpose to underline a series of certifications for professionals. At the same time, the association also comprises hardware and software manufacturers, as IBM, Microsoft, and Dell.
The A+ certification has very powerful support in the IT industry, hence its worldwide appreciation. It is recognized by most manufacturers or service providers, but it is also the one and only generic IT support certification in the whole world. Achieving it is not easy, but it guarantees for one’s skills and education. It is known as an entry level qualification, so it is mostly recommended to professionals with a short experience, newcomers who want to develop a career in this field, technicians who need to validate their specialization or professionals who need to push their careers further.
The A+ certification has solid requirements and implies going through two modules, as well as one exam out of three, depending on the applicant’s choice.
Hiring someone with this qualification guarantees for professional training, but also for education and knowledge in the systems you deal with.
Becoming familiar with the Security+ certification
Just like the A+ certification, the Security+ certification is supported and backed by the CompTIA. It is responsible for training both newbies and professionals in security, one of the most significant fields in IT. The qualification is approved and chosen by experts at various corporations and governmental contractors, such as Hitachi Information Systems, CSC or General Dynamics. Hiring someone with the Security+ certification does not just imply selecting a skilled professional, but also hiring someone who strives for continuous education. This qualification is updated at every 3 years, so it is part of a continuous education program.
Whether you are in need of a security consultant, network administrator, security engineer or IA technician, this certification guarantees for a good choice. The actual education is not the only thing that matters. Since obtaining this certification is not easy at all, but also quite expensive, it is obvious that most applicants will push their limits in order to ensure a good final score.